
David Stark / Zarkonnen
3 Sep 2014, 7:47 p.m.

This blog post begins a series of... snarky game ideas that may be rather dark humour, as you've probably guessed from the title. Proceed at your own peril.

Still with me? Let me tell you about "Hitlergotchi".

The game is a combination of two well-worn game concepts: the digital pet and the tower defence. Only here, the "pet" is Hitler's brain. You play a mad scientist who absconded to the jungles of South America after the fall of the Reich, taking the Fuhrer's brain with you. Now, you must keep the brain alive and sane while you construct a new robotic body. But beware! Outside forces have figured out your location and are sending commandos to take you out.

The game alternates between the Brain Screen, where you can care for the brain, and the Defence Screen, where you must place static defences to stop incoming commandos. Taking care of Hitler's brain is no trivial matter: it requires a careful balance of nutrients to stay healthy and medicines to keep in check the ravages of syphilis and the mental effects of being disconnected from its body. Mild to severe electrostimulation and the occasional well-placed injection of sedatives may be needed to keep it running on an even kilter.

Eventually, after ten waves of attacking commandos, your Fuhrer's new robotic body is complete, and the brain can be installed. Just in time, too, as massive allied forces are converging on your base. Now is the moment of truth - will the brain be capable of controlling your robot? Has it gone insane with sensory deprivation or rage? Did you sedate it into a stupor? Did your treatments work too well, resulting in a peaceful brain racked by remorse? Your hope, of course, is for a glorious return and a place at the side of your now eternal leader...